Could It Really Be Possible For Normal Guys To Build Head-Turning Muscle, Demolish Stubborn Fat
What if I told you conventional “running workouts” are secretly sabotaging your fitness levels, piling on belly fat and killing your testosterone production…
Would you believe me?

Until one lucky day, I stumbled upon a weird Anabolic Running trick so mind-blowingly simple and powerful, it was like a shot of testosterone straight into my veins. In fact, one study uncovered this same Anabolic Running trick could boost your growth hormone levels by 530%.
The master chemical for increasing growth hormone and testosterone levels is lactic acid. This anabolic juice floods your bloodstream only after exercise intensity has reached it’s “tipping point”, scientifically known as the lactic threshold.
A recent study published by the British Journal of Sports Medicine confirmed, participants who don’t reach the “lactic threshold” during exercise get ZERO access to testosterone and growth hormone(4). In simple terms… it’s a giant waste of your time unless you’re a girl looking to burn a few calories on the elliptical.
However, research shows the longer you’re in the lactic threshold, the better.

The group exercising for 6 seconds in the lactic threshold increased only 217%.
Yet it get’s better.
I told you this anabolic-running technique enhances EVERY biological advantage a guy could ever want with only 16 minutes per week. The other bonus? Nitric Oxide.
This compound, found naturally in your body is a vasodilator. It opens up and relaxes your blood vessel walls allowing for more blood flow to pass through…
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