Manifestation Miracle | Live Your Dreams | Create Your Dream Future Today
Finally Revealed: The #1 Secret For Manifesting Wealth, Happiness, Love & Success…
Manifestation Miracle is one of those once in a lifetime systems that will absolutely change your life. The information in this book is transforming, inspiring, powerful and uplifting.
Every page in this book takes you on a journey of awakening to the truth of who you truly are. Heather has created a map of possibility for your life. This is one journey you don’t want to miss.
This is a product that I will definitely recommend if you are serious about making drastic positive changes in your life.
The system is so detailed and filled with life-changing strategies, every aspect of our lives was covered in the system and not a single detail was left out. I strongly believe that this system will provide readers with the best helpful advice, and positive wisdom that they will need to make improvement in their lives.
Manifestation Miracle not only gives you proven tools for success, it guides you step-by-step on how to manifest anything you want into your life.
With Manifestation Miracle, I became more effective in helping my clients manifest their dream marriage & relationship they were desperately after, even ones on the brink of divorce. It truly works!
Manifestation Miracle is the kind of book I’ve been waiting for. Heather Mathews provides you with the tools you need to start living the life you know is for you.
This book will open your eyes, heart and soul to creating miracles in your life and in a way that is tangible and real and she provides some great exercises to support you on your way to Manifesting your dreams.
What is the Law of Attraction?
The Law of Attraction states that we attract into our lives more of what we focus our attention on. The more good we put out into the universe, the more that comes back to us in multitude. The more negative thoughts that go on in our minds, the more of those situations that seem to occur.
The outer world is a direct reflection of the inner world (and not the other way around), and so we are creating our reality every day, every moment, consciously or unconsciously by the thoughts that are going on in our minds.
The Law of Attraction rewards us for actively choosing the thoughts that go on in our minds, rather than letting them run on autopilot. It awakens us to thought blockages that occur without our permission, ones that were put there by well meaning parents, teachers and others who caused us to put limits on what we believe about abilities and potential.
We use the Law of Attraction combined with our unique Destiny Tuning approach to consciously and intentionally manifest more wealth, love, happiness and success into our lives, and can’t wait to share this process with you too.
What if I don’t believe in the Law of Attraction?
The Manifestation Miracle process works regardless of whether or not you believe in the Law of Attraction because a lot of our success principles are backed up by scientifically proven research.
The Destiny Tuning Principle, for instance, will help you to discover your true purpose so that you can live your best and most fulfilling life. Even without understanding it from a law of attraction viewpoint, there are a lot of benefits from developing a sense of meaning…
…For example, a UCL-led study of 9,050 people with an average age of 65 found that people with a sense of meaning and purpose tend to live longer than those who don’t. Researchers concluded that this increases mental health and physical health in several ways.
With Manifestation Miracle, we take you through a process of developing and enhancing a ‘growth oriented’ mindset, we also help with cultivating an optimistic viewpoint and give you concrete strategies towards achieving the success in the area of your life that you want to improve.
There is so much greatness in you, so many exciting things that can be manifested and an exciting life ahead. Whether it’s the Law of Attraction, or whether you’ve just become the kind of person who naturally creates more positive opportunities, loves their life as it is right now, inspires others, and lives every day on a fresh new start… This is a highly beneficial personal development program regardless of your preconceived views.
What If I Am Constantly Worried About Things?
Some people are concerned that they worry too much, and that the Law of Attraction is going to bring more negative situations in their lives because of it.
It’s not quite like that, the universe knows that if you’re worried about burglars, that you don’t want to get robbed. You’re not going to suddenly get robbed because you are worried about it.
However, spending too much time worrying is a very ineffective strategy for life. It makes your mind think that you are not in any sort of control over your life. And it means you’re not spending much time manifesting what you want into your life.
A lot of those worrying thoughts are tapes that keep playing over and over in your head, tapes that you’ve played before and once you’ve played it once or twice, it doesn’t need to be played again and again every day (that’s just self torture).
Here’s what my colleague Mark Ling has to say about worrying…
“Worrying is a waste of time.
“Positive and negative things will happen in life.
“But you must keep living your life and release the need to stress over what you can’t control.
“It’s really important to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, because most great things in life are just outside your comfort zone.
“It’s not comfortable starting a new business and doing things you haven’t done before.
“It’s not comfortable going to a new country to practice a foreign language.
“It’s not comfortable hitting 10,000 golf puts in order to master the art of long putting.
“And it’s certainly not comfortable when disaster strikes and you are faced with an enormous challenge.
“The great thing about challenges though is that they are an opportunity for learning.
“The great thing about mistakes are that they take you one step closer to mastery.
“A child does not ride a bike by reading a book and then riding perfectly the first time.
“We do not learn by being perfect, we learn by doing, and then adjusting and trying again, and again, till we get things right.
“The key when you are worried is to let go of what you cannot control… And for what you can influence, keep calm, and write a plan. Then start working that plan. Write something exciting, one that really lights your fire and gets you dreaming about that day when you are where you want to be.
“Remember, you are the hero of your own story here in life and sometimes heroes face challenges on the road to enlightenment.”
With the Manifestation Miracle program, we help you to cultivate more thoughts towards manifesting your dreams, and greatly reducing the frequency and impact of worrying thoughts and success blockages from your life.
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